Installation guides

# Too long didn't read:
# "a2s is installable as an Ansible role and is distributed over Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install fititnt.syntactic_sugar

a2s extends Ansible. Ansible uses Python on the “control node” (for example your notebook running Linux, Mac or Windows via WSL) to control remote machines over SSH (these machines could be Windows, Linux, BSD, Raspbery Pi, your home router, etc).

Both a2s and Ansible does not require to be installed on controlled nodes, but they require that the control node can be acessed over SSH and have any version of Python installed (even older Python 2 would work fine, the versions installed on control node are more important).



Maybe you already have Python installed on your system. And even if you don’t have maybe by installing Ansible your package mananger will install python for you.


If you system already does not have python installed, but you could choose between python 2 or python 3, please select python 3. Ansible actually can work on python 2, but it’s older.

Since you already is installing python 3, if some guide guide explain how to install pip3, its may be a good idea do it. Neither Ansible or a2s require pip eventually you may want to install pip and acidentaly install pip for python 2 instead of pip3 because most guides may teach you do with the older one.

You can check how to install python via the official Python documentation. But maybe is easier to just look on your prefered search engine for “how to install python 3 on name of my operational system”,



TODO: we should document some basic explanation on how to install Ansible

Check the complete guide on how to install Ansible.

Ansible Galaxy


TODO: we should document some basic explanation on how to install Ansible Galaxy

Ansible Syntactic Sugar (“a2s”)

a2s is installable as one Ansible role. You can install the lastest version with the command:

ansible-galaxy install fititnt.syntactic_sugar

Note: Ansible roles does not automatic update without you explicitly force this. This behavior may actually not be a bad default behavior.